This was a Patreon Monthly In Depth (Poll Winner) channeling from June 15th 2020. It explores the exact nature of Aridifs actions and desire to help humans if he lived on Earth. Although this is a video type file, it is audio only. It is not a live video of Rob channeling.
****NOTICE****- The audio quality is less then average Patreon Recordings
If you want to check out Rob's Patreon where he channels 2 times a month or more, go to - www.patreon.com/ETwhisperer
or his website - www.ETwhisperer.com
or his YouTube - www.youtube.com/c/TheOfficialETWhispererChannelRobGauthier
Leangth of video ( including interduction and chats between Rob and William (spcial guest host)
Time = 2h29m11s
Size = 164mb
Length of the channeling alone- 1h6m32s